A short story about our new home…
We were sad to see our old home go, but it was too small, too dark and too cold…
It was cosy, but with only one door and no windows into the playground there was a difficult separation between the inside ond outside spaces.
We visited lots of other playgrounds to in search of inspiration…
And made models to test the playground design.
We worked with our architect to design a new playspace with tall, airy ceilings and free-flow of movement between the indoor play space and adventure playground outside.
This model was used to understand how the final building would look.
The new building has a crown. which encloses the rooftop football pitch. By stacking the pitch on top, there is more space for the play spaces beneath.
The new building has thick concrete walls like a castle.
The outside is covered with red clay bricks, dug up from a quarry 100 miles from London.
The roof of the social housing next door curves a bit like the roof of Plot 10. It makes an optical illusion…
Under the strong concrete roof, the rooms are made of wood and glass - these walls could be moved around one day.
It looks a little bare with nobody in it!